The Andy Griffith Show Rerun Watchers Club
Harvey Bullock Memorial

Please share your thoughts, well wishes, and memories of TAGS writer Harvey Bullock with other fans and his family. We will be reminded of Harvey every time we see one of the 31 episodes of The Andy Griffith Show in which he had a hand writing. The bird cage may seem empty now....but don't the trees seem nice and full.

April 28, 2006 - Msg 1: I am very sorry to hear about Harvey's passing. Please know that the fans of The Andy Griffith Show will keep his memory alive an well forever. He will always bring smiles to our faces daily with the episodes poured fourth from his amazing mind.

On a personal note, he were so kind to me. Allowing me to visit with him on two different occasions at his home. What a view. He made me go out and stand there in the back looking over the ocean and said it was the hook to get folks to stay. Once they saw the view, they'd always want to be there. Truthfully, I loved the view but it was Harvey that made me want to stay.

He freely gave of his time to visit with this guy from Alabama that he only knew from e-mail messages. He showed me his gadgets and made me smile. I'll never forget those few moments I was able to be there with him but I'll be reminded every time I see The Andy Griffith Show that the cage may seem empty now....but don't the trees seem nice and full.

God bless you, Harvey Bullock, and your family.

--Allan Newsome

April 28, 2006 - Msg 2: I'm sorry about Harvey. He did great work. He showed how Andy,and Don Knotts friendship was very specal. I'm sorry and hope his family the best. Mary Lease

April 28, 2006 - Msg 3: I am so sorry that Harvey has passed on but his work will live on forever.

We shall meet, but we shall miss him
There will be one vacant chair
We shall linger to caress him
While we breathe our evening prayer;
When a year ago we gathered
Joy was in his mild blue eye,
But a golden chord is severed
And our hopes in ruin lie.

We shall meet, but we shall miss him
There will be one vacant chair
We shall linger to caress him
While we breathe our evening prayer.

April 28, 2006 - Msg 4: I'm from Oxford myself, & was born on the same street as Harvey (Broad St.) His home still stands, directly across the street from where I lived growing up. A friend of mine, Joe Haskins, has made the accomplishments of Harvey Bullock known to many people around here, as well as having works of his displayed in our local museum.
What a full life Harvey lived, and left us memories that will last forever.

April 28, 2006 - Msg 5: I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Bullock a couple of years ago at Mayberry Days in North Carolina. He was genteel and gracious -- much like many of the characters he created. I was so sorry to hear of his passing. He obviously understood a great deal about what's important in life. He will be missed.

April 28, 2006 - Msg 6: I forgot to say in Msg 5 that Mr. Bullock wrote many of my favorite episodes. What a great talent he had as a writer.

-- Kathryn Darden

April 28, 2006 - Msg 7: I was so sorry to hear about Mr. Bullock's death. My sympathies to his family.

Kim Heiden

April 28, 2006 - Msg 8: God bless you at this time of loss.What great enjoyment he brought to so many. Cam Hayes

April 28, 2006 - Msg 9: Some of the all-time favorite classic TAGS episodes were written by Mr. Bullock: Mr. McBeevee, Opie the Birdman, The Pickle Story, Opie's Hobo Friend, The Bed Jacket, as well as other cute and quirky ones like The Haunted House and The Loaded Goat. The Andy Griffith Show may not have had as many life-time fans as it does today had it not been for Mr. Bullock's contributions to the show. He entertained without offending, and gave his characters the depth needed to make them endearing to us. He was a Class most certainly hard to follow.
Ellen Kuber

April 28, 2006 - Msg 10: What a great talent and all of the Andy Griffith episodes that were written by Harvey Bullock are my favorite! Kim M-WV

April 28, 2006 - Msg 11: I am so sorry to hear of Mr. Bullock's passing. What a great man to t.v. that he was. So many of us have been touched by his writing. We that love TAGS will miss you so. Our prayers and concern go out to your family.It was always wonderful to read what Mr.Bullock wrote on the digest. I'll miss those entries.
Debbie Caruso

April 28, 2006 - Msg 12: Thank you and God bless you Harvey Bullock. Our sympathy to
his family and friends.
Marty and Diane

April 28, 2006 - Msg 13: I had the great pleasure of sitting with Mr. Bullock during his autograph signing at Mayberry Days. I am from Oxford,NC where he was born.He was a great writer.He loved his family a great deal.My sympathy to Mrs. Bullock ,the children,and to all of his friends.Joe Haskins

April 28, 2006 - Msg 14: In the short time I had the opportunity to visit with him and hear some of his great stories, I can only imagine how wonderful it was to have him as a family member and be able to enjoy his company all the time! He truly seemed humbled by all the attention he received at Mayberry Days, and it was that kind of attitude that endeared him to us even more. He was a great writer and a very special man. May God bless the Bullock family. Know that while you are missing him, we also share your loss.
--Marsha Scheuermann
Clear Lake, Wisconsin

April 28, 2006 - Msg 15: The Bullock family is in my thoughts and prayers.


April 28, 2006 - Msg 16: Like so many TAGS alumni, Mr. Bullock was a genuine, kind and humble person. His creativity was shaped by these values and resulted in hours of wonderful entertainment. The talent of Andy Griffith, Don Knotts and others brought our favorite TAGS characters to life but we have to thank great writers like Mr. Bullock for their inspiration. I'm glad we were able to share our gratitude with him through the digest and TAGS events. Deepest sympathy to Mr. Bullock's family and friends.
Indiana Goober

April 28, 2006 - Msg 17: The wholesome humor and believable characters he created will make us smile for years to come. I am grateful for him. He had a great talent and created some of my favorite shows and episodes over the years. My sympathies to Mr. Bulluck's family. - Kathie

April 28, 2006 - Msg 18: Please accept my deepest sympathies in the loss of your husband, father and grandfather. He brought so much laughter and joy to me as well as all of the other TAGS fans. Please know that in the weeks and months to come, he will not be forgotten, but will be remembered with admiration and respect. Mr. Bullock made this world a better place and that is a great accomplishment.
Anita Carpenter
Cincinnati, OH

April 29, 2006 - Msg 19: Sincere sympathy to the Bullock family. Mr. Bullock was involved in the shows that I loved growing up. No blood, guts, bad language - just good entertainment. What a legacy you have left for my 5 year old son. He loves to watch TAGS (which is good because he doesn't get to watch the junk that people are putting on TV today).

There will never be another like Mr. Bullock.

Thank you for caring about what I was seeing on TV when I was young. Thank you for keeping it clean, the Godly lessons, and making it ever so funny!

May God Bless you and your family.

Montana TAGS fan

April 29, 2006 - Msg 20: The Pickle Story alone would be enough to say Harvey Bullock touched my life but he has 30 other episodes of The Andy Griffith Show and tons of other series that only add to the touches. Thank you, Harvey, for the memories.

April 29, 2006 - Msg 21: While our hearts may be empty, doesn't Heaven seem nice and full! Rest well Harvey, and from one North Carolinian to another, thanks for the years of enjoyment, especially through The Andy Griffith Show. You and Don can have a great reunion now.


May 01, 2006 - Msg 23: I shall miss the warmth and kindess that Harvey shown that natually radiated from him. He was the most intersting and capitivating person i have ever met in my entire life. God bless him and his entire family. Jan Davis (girlfriend of Harvey Bullocks son Andy Bullock)


May 01, 2006 - Msg 25: RIP Mr. Bullock. You were a very gifted writer that brought much laughter and joy to me and my family through your work, especially TAGS. You will be greatly missed.


May 02, 2006 - Msg 26: It was because of Mr. Bullock that I laughed so much from many shows! What a gifted writer. I was honored to meet him at Mayberry Days 2002. May God Bless him and his family.

"No writing on the walls" chapter

May 02, 2006 - Msg 27: A message from Andy Bullock (Harvey’s son):

I would like to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your generous thoughts and prayers during these times. The TAGS fans added greatly to my fathers’ later years more than you could ever realize.

Being with my father over the years I can assure everyone who had sent him letters, e-mails, gifts (he kept each one on display in his office..just ask Jim Clark) or those he met at the parade in NC years ago….. that you were all so instrumental in providing my father the opportunity to step back in time…and to share his efforts and thoughts with all of you. He loved it. He was thrilled at this opportunity and got such a kick out of it everyday!!!

Jim Clark and his lovely wife were able to attend my fathers’ memorial “Party” last weekend at his home in South Laguna. I recall chatting with Jim’s wife in my father’s office and she asked me an interesting question: Did you ever sense any urgency or stress from my father as he wrote and created? My reply was a firm NO.

I can’t recall how many times I would walk in to my father’s office as a child. The room filled with cigar smoke…he sat on his chair facing the wall…typing away on an old Royal manual typewriter… using his two index fingers to bang away. I use to stand there and watch as his typing would pause…his hands would wave in the air as he acted -out scenes in his mind…sometimes a few words would come out…then the banging of the keys would continue. This would go on for hours at a time. As soon as he noticed me standing there he would stop typing. He’d turn his chair towards me with a smile on his face and say “what’s up”. He always gave me (and all of our family members) his undivided attention. I can’t even remember how many times I walked into his office on a Saturday afternoon with my baseball glove and asked “Wanna play catch”. Without hesitation he would jump up and say ‘let’s do it”. So there we would be, playing catch outside his office window on the lawn….tossing the ball back and forth as he told jokes and made me laugh. I miss him so much as I type this.

As Jim Clark and I walked out of my fathers office (Television and motion picture museum you could say) Jim had mentioned how grateful he was for my father adding so much joy to his life and other’s through his work. I quickly replied to Jim that the folks at TAGS contributed equally to my father’s life as well. Jim said kindly he wasn’t too sure about that. Well let me tell you…what I said stands: All of you added to the fabric of my father’s life. Each and every one of you! I am very grateful for that.

I recall my father and I were in Indian Guides when I was younger. Our tribe name was ZUNI. Each father and son came up with names for themselves…..Indian names. Ours was Big Shadow and Little Shadow. I was talking to my father that Sunday morning (I knew inside he could hear me somehow) and told him how wonderful that name “Big Shadow” was, especially in that he had always cast such a large and protective Shadow over our family and I…and I gave him another big hug.
Andy Griffith and his wife were also there Saturday at my parent’s home. He had such kind words to say towards my father. Andy also gave me a call at home last night to continue his wonderful stories of the times he and my father shared working on the show together. We had quite a few good laughs…a few Barney stories…and a few silent moments. Andy wanted to make a point of how pleased he was with the quality and professionalism that my father displayed…and how much he deeply cared and loved my father as a friend.

For those of you that have not had the opportunity to get to know Andy G., let me say this: He is a more caring and loving man in person than he has ever been portrayed on screen. He is a class act and a true gentleman. He made sure I had all his contact information and wanted me to know he was there for me. This came from his heart…it was evident in Andy’s voice.

I was fortunate enough to be with my father and hold him close Sunday morning when he passed away. He has such a glow on his face that morning shortly before…..GOD that really caught me off-guard due to his condition that weekend. My girlfriend Jan told me later after I had explained this to her that actually…. that meant the angels were there for him.

My father passed away with grace and dignity. That was his wish….and that is what was given to him.

Thank you all!!

Andrew Scott Bullock


May 03, 2006 - Msg 28: Though you have left us,you live on and on everytime they play the Andy Griffith Show. Barney Fife was the best character ever invented. Totally awesome. I record all of the reruns and marathons whenever i can.
Thank you Harvey Bullock and may God continue to Bless your family with peace and beautiful memories of you.
Abby Roze

May 04, 2006 - Msg 29: Thank you for your work on The Andy Griffith Show. Much of your work is dear to me, however, TAGS will always be my favorite. God bless your family.
Chris Canipe

May 06, 2006 - Msg 30: I just learned of Mr. Bullocks passing today. What a
wonderfully talented gentle man he was. He brought
us so much joy through his writing & he will never be
forgotten. I'll never forget when he talked about the
" Opie, The Birdman " ending........but aren't the trees
nice & full, he was heard to say, he wasn't sure where
that came from.......I think God used his talent, so he
could share it with us. May God Bless & keep his
family.....& just think Harvey & Don are together now!
Dave Millard-" A Dollar and a Quarter Club- New Phila,

May 07, 2006 - Msg 31: I have just read with sadness of Harvey's passing. How much joy and laughter he has filled my years (and will continue to do so!) from his writings on TAGS. Not to mention the laughter that he brought my father, who I loved dearly, as I was growing up. I will always remember meeting him at Mayberry Days in NC and him repeatedly telling me that he felt that he knew me from somewhere - this man who I had held in high esteem from afar ended up making me glow! The picture of me and him together which I had enlarged is one of my highest treasures from Mayberry Days. Reading his son Andy's comments of his father's last Sunday morning on this Earth gave me peace. It was such a suitable picture of Harvey going to be with his Heavenly Father. God bless him and all of his family for what he meant to All of the TAGS watchers. Stephen Hoskins - High Point, NC

May 21, 2006 - Msg 32: Some of the best episodes of TAGS were written by Harvey Bullock. The most special episode of all was Don Knotts's personal favorite, "The Pickle Story." We've lost both Don and Harvey this year -- 2006 is starting off as a sad year for Mayberry. Condolences to the Bullock family. Harvey was a great writer. And, as Don Knotts told his fans on numerous occasions when asked about what made the show so successful, he simply said, "...the writers."

Mark Perry, Indianapolis

October 28, 2006 - Msg 33: I miss him so much

December 24, 2007 - Msg 34: Thank you Harvey for all the wonderful shows that you did,I would love so much to live in Mayberry,I watch alot of the shows that you wrote and did not even realize that you were the one behind the scripts,again thank you for all the wonderful shows Dena Taucher Fayetteville Pa.