Trivia Questions - Mayberry Days 2001
These are the trivia questions asked at the Mayberry Days Trivia Contest
for 2001.
NOTE: Answers are "hidden" at the end of each question.Simply drag
your cursor over the area following
"---- Answer:" to reveal the answers one-at-a-time.
How much does Fred Goss charge to clean Andy's dress suit?
---- Answer: $1.00 Episode #58
What was Sam Becker's son Andy's weight at birth?
---- Answer: 8lbs. 9oz. Episode #29
Where did Opie's new friend Trey Bowden live before moving to Mayberry?
---- Answer: Erie Pennsylvania Episode #110
What is the Monday special at Morellis Restaurant?
---- Answer: Creamed Chicken Episode #155
Neton Monroe has a cousin who is a dental technician, what is his name?
---- Answer: Gilbert Episode #156
In what high school class did Aunt Bee receive straight A's?
---- Answer: Chemistry Episode #157
Jud Fletcher was once charged with throwing a checkerboard and checkers at
---- Answer: Chester Jones Episode #16
When Opie comes to 5th and Elm on his way to school how far is he from his
---- Answer: 3 Blocks Episode #34
According to Barney whose records have that certain effect on Thelma Lou?
---- Answer: Cole Porter Episode #49
Aunt Bee once buys an apron from Bert Miller. What did she pay for the
---- Answer: 87 cents Episode #54
Who's clothes did Barney wear while posing as Mrs. MacGruder's cousin?
---- Answer: Mrs. Kelsey Episode #78
What is Mrs. Lesh's telephone number in Mt. Pilot?
---- Answer: MP-3791 Episode #90
Who was Mayberry's mortician/TV V repairman?
---- Answer: Orville Monroe Episode #3
Who sold his gas station to Ed Sawyer?
---- Answer: George Sapperly Episode #10
According to Barney, who is the biggest gossip Mayberry?
---- Answer: Viola Slatt Episode #99
Name the road that Harry's Trout Pond is located on?
---- Answer: Miles Episode #129
Name Andy's second cousin that is a wiper on an oil tanker?
---- Answer: Todd Episode #129
Barney once read a book called Psychic Phenomena, who wrote this book?
---- Answer: Dr. Merl Osmond Episode #142
How long did Henry Gilley date Tyla Lee Vernon before he proposed?
---- Answer: 16 years Episode #114
According to Andy who can only sing high after a fight with his mother?
---- Answer: Bruce Flowers Episode #116
In what city was Lydia Crosswaithe born?
---- Answer: Greensboro Episode #68
What size socks does Barney wear?
---- Answer: 10 1/2 Episode #54
How many square miles are in the county of Mayberry?
---- Answer: 267 Square Miles Episode #5
What size shoe does Barney wear? Be Specific!
---- Answer: 7 1/2B Episode #15