Map of the City of Mayberry
Click the graphic below for a larger version of the county

Thank you to Jimmy Dean for this great map.
Can also be
as a PDF file.
INDEX for City Map
1. Courthouse
2. Floyd’s Barbershop
3. Foley’s Supermarket
4. Mayberry Hotel
5. Grand Theatre
6. Mayberry Security Bank
7. Beauty shop
8. Clara’s house
9. Walker’s Drug Store
10. All Soul’s Church
11. Post Office
12. Bluebird Diner
13. Thelma Lou’s
14. Snappy Lunch
15. Ice house
16. Feed and grain
17. Mrs. Mendlebright’s
18. Railroad Station
19. Washateria
20. Helen’s
21. Firehouse
22. Otis’ house
23. Doctor’s office
24. Wally’s |