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Host: Allan Newsome
Running time: 0:20:38
I bet most folks that watch The Andy Griffith Show have never really thought about who it was that took care of all the props that were used on the show. Well, lets think about the man who for 249 episodes kept the people of Mayberry supplied with some of the best props ever. From the cannon that Andy sold to the gun that Gomer dropped from the courthouse roof, Reggie Smith provided them all to the citizens of Mayberry.
Kenneth Junkin, our very own “Otis Campbell” tribute artist, recently told me a bit of trivia related to Reggie Smith that I’m so thankful to be able to let you hear about in this episode. Thank you Ken!
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Related Links:
- Reggie Smith (iMDb) [property master, propmaster]- http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0809674/
- Property master (wikipedia) – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Property_master
- Full Cast & Crew of TAGS (iMDb) – http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0053479/fullcredits
- Facebook Two Chairs album TCNW 234: Property Master Reggie Smith
- Who’s Been Messin’ Up the Bulletin Board?(WBMUTBB) Chapter – http://www.wbmutbb.com
- Sign up for the Two Chairs No Waiting Podcast mailing list
- iMayberry Community – http://imayberrycommunity.com/
- The Mayberry Historical Society – http://www.mayberry.info/
- The Mayberry Channel on YouTube.com – http://www.youtube.com/user/mayberrycom
Executive Producer of Two Chairs No Waiting Episode #234: Kenneth Junkin
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Wonderful Show ! They just keep getting better all the time. Like the show itself, the props used in Mayberry are very unique! I love these kind of show, I really like the production facts and anything to do with the making of the show. I also enjoyed the pre show video with Maggie and the Darlin Boys. I could not think of anything neater than watching clips with some of the stars and listening to discussion about their experiences on the show. Life is Good ! Thanks
Congrats to Ken Junkin for spotting that trivia gem! I’ve examined that scene closely, yet never noticed the bottom of the thermos jug. I also enjoyed learning about propmaster Reggie Smith.
However, what always catches my eye about that scene is how the packing of the trunk is filmed. I’m referring to what immediately follows Goober and Warren’s departure. If you notice, the camera starts from one side and then swings in a sweeping arc, coming to rest at the opposite side (in other words, it starts from behind the squad car as Andy and Helen are facing Goober’s truck and then swings around to face them as they turn back toward the trunk). It moves pretty fast, but if you have the DVD and watch it in slow motion, you get a unique view of the end of Mayberry’s residential street. What you see is where Mayberry “stops” and what seems to be just an open field not far beyond the Taylor home. Also visible are some large power lines way in the background that look very un-Mayberry-like. As far as I know, we never see that shot in any other episode. So you might like to re-watch that scene and look at the background this time instead of at the jug in the foreground.
And it’s interesting to note that, although they are apparently supposed to be at Helen’s house (we see Andy exit the house carrying baskets of food), that particular house is only two doors down from the Taylor house. The Taylor house is very clearly seen in the background, both when Goober and Warren are driving up and pulling away as well as when Andy and Helen are standing in front of the trunk watching them leave. I guess those are the types of details that they didn’t assume people would notice when the show was first aired, but it’s fascinating–to me, anyway–to see those now. Thanks for the interesting episode, Allan!