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TCNW 754: What’s Mayberry Days Like?

Two Chairs No Waiting
Two Chairs No Waiting

Host: Allan Newsome
Running time: 0:30:15

I was reading the posts about the 2023 Mayberry Days event that just wrapped up this past weekend and came across an essay written by Mayberry fan Rebecca Spears. Rebecca is in the Two Chairs No Waiting chat room most Monday nights as “Lydia” so I was quick to ask her if I could share her words with you all. She did a great job answering the question “what’s Mayberry Days like?” and I think it will help you understand a bit more why I’m always asking folks to consider coming to Mayberry Days or one of the other amazing Mayberry events held each year.

Thank you to Rebecca for allowing me to put voice to the words she penned.

I would like to HEAR from you about your experience(s) at Mayberry Days. I plan to do an overarching Mayberry Days report next episode but I really want to hear your report. Please consider calling in or emailing me an audio or video file about your time in “Mayberry.” You can call 888-684-8415 (2 minutes or less), click the “Leave a Voicemail” link on the right side of TwoChairsNoWaiting.com, or record on your phone and email the file to me.

This episode will wrap up by asking 12 fairly easy Mayberry trivia questions…one of which you really can’t miss.

Thank you to the folks that attended the Mayberry Meet-up 2023 for your support of the podcast!

TCNW 754: What’s Mayberry Days Like?

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Follow Two Chairs No Waiting on Facebook and/or follow me on Twitter. I  post Mayberry things there as another way to let folks know about The Andy Griffith Show.

Please leave comments or ask questions on the TwoChairsNoWaiting.com website or using the contact information given in the podcast. I would love to have you be a part of our next feedback episode. Call the Two Chairs No Waiting Hot-line at (888) 684-8415 and leave a voice mail to be part of the show.

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Executive producer of Two Chairs No Waiting for Episode #754: Terry Neiman
Patreon Patron of the Week #754: Bob & Pat Mundy

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