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Host: Allan Newsome
Special Guest: Charles Dowell
Running time: 0:10:56

Two Chairs No Waiting

Two Chairs No Waiting

We’ve had folks asking about the folks that live in Mt. Airy, Andy’s real hometown,  and interviewing them. The last two episodes were an interview I did with Russell Hiatt from over at Floyd’s Barbershop so I felt like it was very fitting to continue the theme this week with Charles Dowell.

Charles is the owner of The Snappy Lunch and the creator of the world famous Pork Chop Sandwich.  All kinds of famous people have visited The Snappy Lunch.  Charles is a fixture in Mt. Airy and offers a personal view of the town and the people who live in and visit Mt. Airy.

The interview was recorded in April 1998 in the back room of The Snappy Lunch there are dishes hitting each other and folks getting orders ready that can be heard in the background.

Thanks for listening!  Please tell folks about the show and leave comments and questions at iMayberry.com/podcasts or by using the contact information given in the podcast.

Related Links:

  • The Snappy Lunch – Web site for The Snappy Lunch with a history, photos and the menu.
  • Mount Airy North Carolina – Information about the town, Mayberry Days, The Autumn Leaves Festival, and other events.

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Host: Allan Newsome
Special Guest: Russell “Floyd” Hiatt
Running time: 0:11:33

Two Chairs No Waiting

Two Chairs No Waiting

(NOTE: Sorry for those that got the garbled version of the audio on this episode.  I made an uploading mistake on the MP3 file. It should be correct now. -Allan)

This interview was recorded on April 24, 1998 when Jan and I took a trip up to Mt. Airy for a visit.

One big memory of this trip was watching my son who was born in December 1996 get his first haircut. Russell is the person who did that first haircut for Adam and he even has a certificate from Russell testifing to the fact of that first haircut.

This is the conclusion of our two part interview with Russell Hiatt who is owner of Floyd’s City Barber Shop in Andy Griffith’s hometown of Mt. Airy, NC.

Russell tells us about some of the things in Mt. Airy that talked about on The Andy Griffith Show. People come from all over the country to sit in the barber chair and visit with Russell.

Thanks for listening!  Tell your Mayberry friends about the show and leave some comments or questions at iMayberry.com/podcasts or using the contact information given in the podcast.

Adam Newsomes first haircut by Russell Hiat (April 1998)

Adam Newsome’s first haircut given by Russell Hiat (April 1998)

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Host: Allan Newsome
Special Guest: Russell “Floyd” Hiatt
Running time: 0:12:05

Two Chairs No Waiting

Two Chairs No Waiting

You requested interviews with some of the good people from Mt. Airy, NC.  For those that might not know, Mt. Airy is Andy Griffith’s home town and home to Mayberry Days the last full weekend of September each year.

In the episode you’ll be hearing an interview I did with Russell Hiatt. Russell is the owner of Floyd’s City Barbershop located right next door to the Snappy Lunch on Main Street in Mt. Airy.  Russell *is* “Floyd” to those that visit Mt. Airy and he is a wonderful friend to all who know him.

The interview was recorded on April 24, 1998 in the back room of the barbershop so there’s a good bit of conversation in the background but I know you’ll find it worth listening.

Thanks for listening!  Please tell folks about the show and leave comments and questions at iMayberry.com/podcasts or by using the contact information given in the podcast.

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Host: Allan Newsome
Special Guest: David “The Mayberry Deputy” Browning
Running time: 0:12:44

Two Chairs No Waiting

Two Chairs No Waiting

This is the final segment of our three part David Browning interview.  I can’t tell you how much I’ve enjoyed the interview with David. He’s a wonderful friend with a lot of stories to tell.  I’ll be catching up with him again in the near future so we can all hear more of his Mayberry experiences.

This episode we’ll hear about David’s favorite scene from The Andy Griffith Show as well as his favorite episode.  We’ll find out what it’s like to work with the cast members from TAGS and what advice they may have given him over the years.  Finally, we’ll hear about his work with Betty “Thelma Lou” Lynn.”

Thanks again for listening and please leave comments on the web site iMayberry.com/podcasts or by using the contact information given in the podcast.

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Host: Allan Newsome
Special Guest: David “The Mayberry Deputy” Browning
Running time: 0:09:04

Two Chairs No Waiting

Two Chairs No Waiting

Welcome to part 2 of our interview with David Browing. In this episode David tells us about going full time as “The Mayberry Deputy” and reveals his favorite character on The Andy Griffith Show.

Thank you for listening and please feel free to leave comments  on the web site here at iMayberry.com/podcasts or by using the contact information that’s heard in the podcast.

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Host: Allan Newsome
Special Guest: David “The Mayberry Deputy” Browning
Running time: 0:10:40

Two Chairs No Waiting

Two Chairs No Waiting

This is the first of a three part interview with David “The Mayberry Deputy” Browning.  David is the Barney Fife tribute artist who appears at Mayberry Days each year and at other Mayberry events throughout the country.  David was THE Barney who Don Knotts would request to open his “An Evening with Don Knotts” shows as “Barney.”  That alone says a lot about the David and his portrayal of the Mayberry deputy character.

In this segment of the interview with David he speaks about how he started as The Mayberry Deputy and about working with Mr. Knotts.

We’d love to hear from you and if you listen to the podcast you’ll get all our contact information or you can leave a comment on our web site here at iMayberry.com/podcasts.

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Two Chairs No Waiting is brought to you by WeaversDepartmentStore.com.

Two Chairs No Waiting 19: Bernard Fox

Host: Allan Newsome
Running time: 0:9:16

Two Chairs No Waiting

Two Chairs No Waiting

In this episode, we’re going to be hearing from Bernard Fox. You know him best as     Malcolm Merriweather but to non-Mayberry fans (and perhaps even to Mayberry fans) his best-known role was as the warlock physician  Dr. Bombay on Bewitched.

Mr. Fox is  a “fifth generation performer” and was born with the name Bernard Lawson in Port Talbot, Glamorgan, Wales. Maybe he’s distant kin to our own Floyd Lawson.  Bernard has been married to his wife Jacqueline since 1961.

This interview was recorded on 26 June 1998 in Kingsport, TN.  If you listened near the beginning of the interview we are interrupted by Howard “Ernest T.” Morris.  The folks talking in the background are Maggie “Charlene Darling” Peterson, The Dillards (a.k.a. The Darling boy), Howard Morris, Elinor “Miss Ellie” Donahue, and Jean “the Fun Girl” Carson.

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Two Chairs No Waiting is brought to you by WeaversDepartmentStore.com.