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Host: Allan Newsome
Special Guest: Jamie Sullivan
Running time: 0:14:05

Two Chairs No Waiting

Two Chairs No Waiting

Jamie “Opie” Sullivan joins us as the last tribute artist interview recorded during the Cruise to Mayberry 3.  Enjoy getting to know Jamie and how being “Opie” has allowed him to do things in his life that most could only dream of.

“Floyd” joins us for some words of wisdom provided by Ken Anderson.  Thanks to Ken for the story told by Floyd in this weeks show.

We’d love to hear from you and if you listen to the podcast you’ll get all our contact information or you can leave a comment on our web site here at iMayberry.com/podcasts.

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Two Chairs No Waiting is brought to you by WeaversDepartmentStore.com.

Two Chairs No Waiting 14: Jeff Branch

Host: Allan Newsome
Special Guest: Jeff Branch
Running time: 0:14:13

Two Chairs No Waiting

Two Chairs No Waiting

Visit with Jeff “Howard Sprague” Branch during the Cruise to Mayberry 3. Jeff puts on a black hat, wears a tie and dark suit and becomes Howard Sprauge. As he says, “I even come with his dry sense of humor.” Jeff real jobs is as a DARE program instructor for the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Department in Troy, North Carolina. He also produces bluegrass shows and puts on a Mayberry show in Troy. See the links below for more information.

We also talk about the Mayberry Chapter in Knoxville, TN and their great web site and newsletter. Drop by and visit with them if you have a chance.

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Two Chairs No Waiting is brought to you by WeaversDepartmentStore.com.

Two Chairs No Waiting 11: Elinor Donahue

Host: Allan Newsome
Special Guest: Elinor Donahue
Running time: 0:15:13

Away in a Manger

Andy & Ellie Singing

(NOTE: If you originally got episode 10 in your feed…sorry about that error. Here’s the corrected feed.)

Merry Christmas from Two Chairs No Waiting. This episode features an interview with Elinor Donahue recorded during rehearsal for the Mayberry in Meadowview event held in Kingsport, TN on June 27, 1998. It is a fun interview and “Miss Ellie” is a wonderful person. I can’t thank her enough for sitting down and talking with me.  We end the episode in a special way as well so be sure to listen.

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Two Chairs No Waiting is brought to you by WeaversDepartmentStore.com.

Two Chairs No Waiting 10: Kenneth Junkin Part 2

Host: Allan Newsome
Special Guest: Kenneth Junkin
Running time: 0:13:21

Two Chairs No Waiting

Two Chairs No Waiting

We finish up our interview with Kenneth “Otis” Junkin.  This interview also has Tim “Goober” Pettigrew joining us toward the end of Ken’s interview.

Thank you for all the kind e-mails I’ve received about the podcast.  I hope some of you will take time to call our toll-free number and be a part of future episodes.

A quick correction if you listened to episode 9, the toll-free number I gave out on that episode was WRONG.  I wrote the number down wrong so I said the wrong number in episode 9. In this episode I give you the correct number.  Sorry about that.

I’m not telling you the number. You’ll have to listen to episode to find out but we hope to hear from you with your questions or comments about past episodes or TAGS.

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Two Chairs No Waiting is brought to you by WeaversDepartmentStore.com.

Two Chairs No Waiting 9: Kenneth Junkin Part 1

Host: Allan Newsome
Special Guest: Kenneth Junkin
Running time: 0:12:21

Two Chairs No Waiting

Two Chairs No Waiting

The first of a 2 part interview with Kenneth “Otis” Junkin.  Ken has been playing Otis for a while and everyone seems to love Otis. That may be related to the fact that Ken is playing Otis and he’s a person folks love to be around.

We have a special shout out to the boys in kaki serving over seas from a special guest.

If you’re not overseas (i.e. you’re in the US) we now have a toll-free number where you can call and be a part of future episodes. I’m not telling you the number. You’ll have to listen to episode to find out (NOTE: I gave the WRONG Number out on this episode so don’t call it. I corrected it on the next episode.) but we hope to hear from you with your questions or comments about past episodes or TAGS.

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Two Chairs No Waiting is brought to you by WeaversDepartmentStore.com.

Host: Allan Newsome
Special Guest: Tim Pettigrew
Running time: 0:12:08

Two Chairs No Waiting

Two Chairs No Waiting

The final part of our two part interview with Tim “Goober” Pettigrew. Be sure not to miss last episode so you can hear all of Tim’s interview.

Thank you all for the kind words you’ve been saying about the Two Chairs No Waiting Mayberry Internet Radio Show.  I’m moving away from just saying “podcast” because so many don’t understand you can listen to the episodes even if you don’t have an iPod or MP3 player. You can listen right from our web site. https://iMayberry.com/podcasts/  Thanks for listening

I would love to hear from even more of you fine folks so leave a comment, question, and/or Mayberry experience for us all to share.

I’ve turned up the production value of this episode a little bit by adding some background music while I’m talking. The VW Boys we kind enough to give me permission to use their music on the podcast..err…internet radio show so I want to thank them.  Let me know what you think and drop by their web site to thank them for supporting Two Chairs No Waiting.

Related Links:

Two Chairs No Waiting is brought to you by WeaversDepartmentStore.com.

Host: Allan Newsome
Special Guest: Tim Pettigrew
Running time: 0:08:26

Two Chairs No Waiting

Two Chairs No Waiting

Part 1 of our two part interview with Goober Pyle tribute artist Tim Pettigrew. The interview, as well as several upcoming episodes, was recorded on the Cruise to Mayberry 3 which occurred in early November 2008.

You’ll enjoy this interview with Tim. He’s a great guy and can sew up his fingers better than anybody other than George Lindsey himself.

I would love to hear from you!  Leave some comments, questions, and/or Mayberry experiences for me.

Related Links:

Two Chairs No Waiting is brought to you by WeaversDepartmentStore.com.