Mayberry Days had its official start with the reading of "The Mayberry Days Proclamation" on Friday morning in front of the "Old Mayberry Jail" by Mt. Airy's Mayor Taylor. The Mt. Airy High School Small Ensemble was on hand to entertain the crowd with the rendering of TAGS favorites like "The Fishin' Hole."
The Mayor also presented the "Key to the City" to Ms. Joseph and Mr. & Mrs. Linke welcoming them to town. Luckily, Barney was NOT giving out "good driving awards" of Aunt Bee's pickles but he was on hand to maintain order over the proceedings along with Otis, Ernest T., and Floyd.
"Mrs. Wiley's Tea" was next up on the schedule. You could drop by Mrs. Wiley's and dance with "Ramona" herself. Oliver Gossage dropped by and was trying to "cut in" on just about everybody that tried to have a dance with "Romeena". Ramona was heard talking to Oliver about the rain the day before and he said, "Yeah, I's right there in it."
Throughout the weekend, if you got tired of walking around the town of "Mayberry" you could find a game of bingo going on or you could just pull up a rockin' chair and sit a spell. It's not all go, go, go, in "Mayberry". Remember, "What's your hurry?" is the spirit of Mayberry and that spirit is alive and well in Mt. Airy.
There was plenty to keep you going if you didn't want to miss anything, though. There was the trivia contest up at the Andy Griffith Playhouse, live music, reruns of TAGS, Aunt Bee's Bake sale, the BIG collection of Andy Griffith Memorabilia up at the Visitors Center, and more going on almost all day both Friday and Saturday.
To end the day on Friday, the Doug Dillard Band put on their 7th Annual Mayberry Days Concert and it was wonderful. Doug and the Band were joined onstage by Ernest T., Barney, and Floyd who danced and clapped along with the rhythm. Ernest T. even graced folks with "Old Aunt Maria" while playing along on his gas can. The concert was a great ending for a wonderful day in Mayberry.
Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Col. Tim's