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Host: Allan Newsome
Running time: 0:32:30
This week is the conclusion of our recording from the 1994 Mayberry Squad Car Rendezvous (I mistakenly said 1993 during the podcast). Counting last weeks episode, we have almost an hour of interviews with Howard Morris, Betty Lynn, and Jean Carson for you to enjoy. If you haven’t listened to last weeks podcast be sure to go back and give it a listen but you don’t have to listen to them in order.
If you enjoy the interviews, you might want to actually watch the video version of the episodes to be able to see these wonderful stars and feel even more like you were there. The videos are in the show notes or you can go to our YouTube channel to enjoy the fun.
Below is a list of the questions you’ll hear addressed on this episode.
- Did any of you get to visit with Hal Smith “Otis” before he passed?
- When the Darlings played music on the show, was it live?
- Howard, can you name the bodies of water?
- How much input did Andy have on the characterization of the parts?
- Do Daphne and Thelma Lou know how to sew up their fingers like Goober?
- Howard, do you have a burning desire for Charlene?
- Barney and Andy finally got mad at the Fun Girls, you said……
- How did you keep getting out of jail?
- Do you stay in touch with Joyce Jameson?
- How many hours a day did you have to rehearse to do a half hour show?
- Jean, how often do you go back to West Virginia?
- What was is like to work with Howard “Floyd” McNear?
- Howard talks about what being on “live” television means.
- Has there ever been any talk about making a new series of Mayberry?
- Did any of you take acting lessons?
- Did you have any idea at the time that you were working on a television classic?
- What caused the changes in the show after the first season?
- Betty, on Return to Mayberry there was a scene with Jim Nabors singing that was cut. Why?
- What can we do about networks/stations cutting parts of the show out for more commercials?
- Did you do any of the sponsor shots during the series?
- It’s me, it’s me…it’s Ernest T.
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Contact Info
Follow me on Twitter if you use twitter. I’ve been posting Mayberry things there as another way to let folks know about The Andy Griffith Show.
Don’t forget to leave comments or ask questions on the TwoChairsNoWaiting.com website or using the contact information given in the podcast. We’d love to have you be a part of our next feedback episode. Call the Two Chairs No Waiting Hot-line at (888) 684-8415 and leave a voice mail to be part of the show.
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Related Links:
- Sign up for the Two Chairs No Waiting Podcast mailing list
- iMayberry Community – http://imayberrycommunity.com/
- The Mayberry Historical Society – http://www.mayberry.info/
- The Mayberry Channel on YouTube.com – http://www.youtube.com/user/mayberrycom
Executive Producer of Two Chairs No Waiting Episode #289: Fans of TAGS
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