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TCNW 727: Singing in Mayberry Part 3

Two Chairs No Waiting
Two Chairs No Waiting

Host: Allan Newsome
Running time: 0:34:24

This episode we wrap up Col. Tim’s from Mayberry Days 2002. The previous parts of this series we saw Betty Lynn (Thelma Lou), Howard Morris (Ernest T. Bass) and Maggie Peterson (Charlene) singing so if you missed that, go back and give those episodes a view or listen.

This episode we get to hear James Best (Jim Lindsey) sing…well…not really but it’s certainly something fun to see. I featured James and David Browning (The Mayberry Deputy) 15 episodes ago (#712) from Col Tim’s 2007. James and David did this routine many times over the years and they are all different, at least slightly, so I know you’ll enjoy seeing them have fun together.

Finally, we’ll have some ‘real’ singing from “Pink Floyd & the Cutups” with a performance of “There’s a Shop in Mayberry.” (Lyrics by Lyle Fales)

Mayberry Days is always special and you never know what you’re going to see. The same can be said about the other Mayberry events where the Mayberry tribute artists have a chance to perform. Try and attend an event. I really believe you’d have fun.

We’ll wrap up with some trivia.

“Just jump in where you can and hang on.”

-Briscoe Darling

TCNW 727: Singing in Mayberry Part 3

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Executive producer of Two Chairs No Waiting for Episode #727: Larry & Anne Grainger
Patreon Patron of the Week #727: Codie Slone

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