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Two Chairs No Waiting
Two Chairs No Waiting

Host: Allan Newsome
Running time: 0:32:45

This episode we’ll play Round 2 of the Mayberry Days Trivia Championship 2023 as well as the Final Mayberry question. There are ten questions in Round 2 with each being worth 200 points. Incorrect answers are worth negative 200 points. Keep up with your score and add/subtract it from your Round 1 score to see what you have to wager in the Final Mayberry question.

Remember, incorrect answers will are worth negative 200 points. Guessing really hurts your score so keep that in mind.

We’ll play a few easier questions to close out the show just to make us all feel better.

Thank you to the folks that attended the Mayberry Meet-up 2023 for your support of the podcast!

TCNW 761: Mayberry Days Trivia Championship 2023 Round 2

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Don’t forget to sign up for the Two Chairs No Waiting e-mail mailing list.  I want to be able to reach out to you if there’s a problem with the website and the best way to do that is by using a mailing list.  Don’t worry, I won’t be filling your mailbox with e-mail but I would like to have a way to say “hey” if the need arises.

Contact Info

Follow Two Chairs No Waiting on Facebook and/or follow me on Twitter. I  post Mayberry things there as another way to let folks know about The Andy Griffith Show.

Please leave comments or ask questions on the TwoChairsNoWaiting.com website or using the contact information given in the podcast. I would love to have you be a part of our next feedback episode. Call the Two Chairs No Waiting Hot-line at (888) 684-8415 and leave a voice mail to be part of the show.

If you use iTunes, please visit the Two Chairs No Waiting page of the iTunes store and leave a review and rating.

Executive producer of Two Chairs No Waiting for Episode #761: Sarah Blain
Patreon Patron of the Week #761: Chris Smyrl

Be a Patreon patron and support the show – https://www.patreon.com/twochairs

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Two Chairs No Waiting
Two Chairs No Waiting

Host: Allan Newsome
Running time: 0:33:06

This episode we’ll play Round 1 of the Mayberry Days Trivia Championship 2023. Ten questions with each being worth 100 points. Incorrect answers are worth negative 100 points. Keep up with your score and remember to remove 100 points for any missed answers….don’t guess.

Next week we’ll play Round 2 (worth 200 points each) is also ten questions.

Incorrect answers will be worth negative 200 points. Guessing really hurts your score so keep that in mind.

Thank you to the folks that attended the Mayberry Meet-up 2023 for your support of the podcast!

TCNW 760: Mayberry Days Trivia Championship 2023 Round 1

Sign up for the Two Chairs E-mail Mailing List

Don’t forget to sign up for the Two Chairs No Waiting e-mail mailing list.  I want to be able to reach out to you if there’s a problem with the website and the best way to do that is by using a mailing list.  Don’t worry, I won’t be filling your mailbox with e-mail but I would like to have a way to say “hey” if the need arises.

Contact Info

Follow Two Chairs No Waiting on Facebook and/or follow me on Twitter. I  post Mayberry things there as another way to let folks know about The Andy Griffith Show.

Please leave comments or ask questions on the TwoChairsNoWaiting.com website or using the contact information given in the podcast. I would love to have you be a part of our next feedback episode. Call the Two Chairs No Waiting Hot-line at (888) 684-8415 and leave a voice mail to be part of the show.

If you use iTunes, please visit the Two Chairs No Waiting page of the iTunes store and leave a review and rating.

Executive producer of Two Chairs No Waiting for Episode #760: Sharon Campbell
Patreon Patron of the Week #760: Rebecca Spears

Be a Patreon patron and support the show – https://www.patreon.com/twochairs

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Two Chairs No Waiting
Two Chairs No Waiting

Host: Allan Newsome
Running time: 0:43:51

It’s the Halloween time and it is a tradition here on Two Chairs No Waiting to tell a spooky story or two around the campfire.

This year we have a special guest storyteller. James Dodson has been coming to Mayberry events for a few years now as “Andy” and I thought it would be fitting to have him tell a story that I know you’ll all enjoy.

In the search for a story to tell you that is in the same spooky vein as “The Golden Arm,” I found “Chief Swanee’s Gold” written by Craig Dominey and Lanny Gilbert on “The Moonlit Road” podcast/website. Craig granted me permission to share that story with you and it will be followed by a version of The Golden Arm folktale.

The Golden Arm was most famously told by Mark Twain and also used by him to instruct others in how to tell a story. In 2015, I first presented the Mark Twain version of the story in episode #349. This being the spooky time of the year, I thought it was time to tell another version of the story.

This episode is spooky so be sure to keep those who might not sleep well, like Barney and Gomer, away from this episode I wouldn’t want to have anyone staring darkness trying to spot someone looking for their gold or their golden arm.

Thank you to the folks that attended the Mayberry Meet-up 2023 for your support of the podcast!

TCNW 759: Golden Arm Stories and Chief Swanee's Gold

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Don’t forget to sign up for the Two Chairs No Waiting e-mail mailing list.  I want to be able to reach out to you if there’s a problem with the website and the best way to do that is by using a mailing list.  Don’t worry, I won’t be filling your mailbox with e-mail but I would like to have a way to say “hey” if the need arises.

Contact Info

Follow Two Chairs No Waiting on Facebook and/or follow me on Twitter. I  post Mayberry things there as another way to let folks know about The Andy Griffith Show.

Please leave comments or ask questions on the TwoChairsNoWaiting.com website or using the contact information given in the podcast. I would love to have you be a part of our next feedback episode. Call the Two Chairs No Waiting Hot-line at (888) 684-8415 and leave a voice mail to be part of the show.

If you use iTunes, please visit the Two Chairs No Waiting page of the iTunes store and leave a review and rating.

Executive producer of Two Chairs No Waiting for Episode #759: Sharon Campbell
Patreon Patron of the Week #759: Rebecca Spears

Be a Patreon patron and support the show – https://www.patreon.com/twochairs

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Two Chairs No Waiting
Two Chairs No Waiting

Host: Allan Newsome
Running time: 0:34:35

Mayberry Days is always a great time for those that attend and the 34th annual Mayberry Days in Mt. Airy, NC was not exception. A highlight of every Mayberry Days is the Trivia contest.

This episode we step through the Qualifying Round questions and answers of the 2023 World Championship of Mayberry Trivia.

The qualifying round is played to earn a spot in the Finals of Mayberry trivia. If you qualify, you end up facing past Mayberry Days Trivia champions and other qualifiers from this round in the finals.

Good luck with the questions. If you got more than 8 right, you ought to make your way to Mayberry Days and try your hand at landing on stage for the finals.

We finish up with some easier Mayberry trivia.

Thank you to the folks that attended the Mayberry Meet-up 2023 for your support of the podcast!

TCNW 758: Mayberry Days Trivia 2023 Qualifying Round

Sign up for the Two Chairs E-mail Mailing List

Don’t forget to sign up for the Two Chairs No Waiting e-mail mailing list.  I want to be able to reach out to you if there’s a problem with the website and the best way to do that is by using a mailing list.  Don’t worry, I won’t be filling your mailbox with e-mail but I would like to have a way to say “hey” if the need arises.

Contact Info

Follow Two Chairs No Waiting on Facebook and/or follow me on Twitter. I  post Mayberry things there as another way to let folks know about The Andy Griffith Show.

Please leave comments or ask questions on the TwoChairsNoWaiting.com website or using the contact information given in the podcast. I would love to have you be a part of our next feedback episode. Call the Two Chairs No Waiting Hot-line at (888) 684-8415 and leave a voice mail to be part of the show.

If you use iTunes, please visit the Two Chairs No Waiting page of the iTunes store and leave a review and rating.

Executive producer of Two Chairs No Waiting for Episode #757: Sharon Campbell
Patreon Patron of the Week #757: Rebecca Spears

Be a Patreon patron and support the show – https://www.patreon.com/twochairs

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TCNW 757: Mayberry Pumpkins

Two Chairs No Waiting
Two Chairs No Waiting

Host: Allan Newsome
Running time: 0:38:14

The season is upon us when folks begin to decorate for the harvest time. You’ll be happy to know you can spread the Mayberry ‘spirit’ during this time of year with your very own Mayberry themed jack-o-lantern. Choose between Barn, Goober, Opie and Floyd as your pumpkin, or just do one of each!

This information is right out of the free Weaver’s Newsletter for October 2023. That and much more can be found in newsletter so please subscribe so you won’t miss out on what the Weaver’s Newsletter has to offer.

We finish up with some Mayberry trivia.

Thank you to the folks that attended the Mayberry Meet-up 2023 for your support of the podcast!

TCNW 757: Mayberry Pumpkins

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Don’t forget to sign up for the Two Chairs No Waiting e-mail mailing list.  I want to be able to reach out to you if there’s a problem with the website and the best way to do that is by using a mailing list.  Don’t worry, I won’t be filling your mailbox with e-mail but I would like to have a way to say “hey” if the need arises.

Contact Info

Follow Two Chairs No Waiting on Facebook and/or follow me on Twitter. I  post Mayberry things there as another way to let folks know about The Andy Griffith Show.

Please leave comments or ask questions on the TwoChairsNoWaiting.com website or using the contact information given in the podcast. I would love to have you be a part of our next feedback episode. Call the Two Chairs No Waiting Hot-line at (888) 684-8415 and leave a voice mail to be part of the show.

If you use iTunes, please visit the Two Chairs No Waiting page of the iTunes store and leave a review and rating.

Executive producer of Two Chairs No Waiting for Episode #757: Brian Rose
Patreon Patron of the Week #757: Rebecca Spears

Be a Patreon patron and support the show – https://www.patreon.com/twochairs

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TCNW 756: 15 Years, No Waiting

Two Chairs No Waiting
Two Chairs No Waiting

Host: Allan Newsome
Running time: 0:34:16

Happy 15th birthday to Two Chairs No Waiting.

On October 11, 2008 the Two Chairs No Waiting Podcast had it’s very first episode published to the world. Back in those days, most people didn’t have high-speed internet so I did my best to keep episode length short and therefore the file size small. That first episode was only 12 minutes 11 seconds long and the file was less than 6 Megs. For reference, episode 755 was over 42 minutes long with a file size of almost 30 Megs.

Some other things that happened in October 2008:
Oct 7 Music, podcast, and video streaming service Spotify is launched
Oct 22 Google Play is launched, the official app store for the Android operating system

There was no video version of the first episode, thank goodness, because I recorded it in my bedroom wearing an USB headphone/microphone that made noises if I moved my head and picked up every sound in the house. The first “live stream” of the podcast didn’t happen until episode 64 in very late December of 2009, over a year after the podcast began.

That first video stream was not great. Those who attended couldn’t hear the music I play to start and end episode nor could they see anything other that a bad quality version of me. I worked to improve things for the video so I skipped a week and by episode 66 those who attended could at least see and hear things though the video quality was still bad. By episode 67, I had vey much improved the video quality and the “live stream” became watchable.

By episode 72 I had upgraded the microphone to the one I currently use and both audio and video quality got us to an acceptable level. Other improvements have been done to the camera, lighting, software and computers over the years and hopefully the host has also improved.

We finish up with some Mayberry trivia. It’s a BIG day!

Thank you to the folks that attended the Mayberry Meet-up 2023 for your support of the podcast!

TCNW 756: 15 Years, No Waiting

Sign up for the Two Chairs E-mail Mailing List

Don’t forget to sign up for the Two Chairs No Waiting e-mail mailing list.  I want to be able to reach out to you if there’s a problem with the website and the best way to do that is by using a mailing list.  Don’t worry, I won’t be filling your mailbox with e-mail but I would like to have a way to say “hey” if the need arises.

Contact Info

Follow Two Chairs No Waiting on Facebook and/or follow me on Twitter. I  post Mayberry things there as another way to let folks know about The Andy Griffith Show.

Please leave comments or ask questions on the TwoChairsNoWaiting.com website or using the contact information given in the podcast. I would love to have you be a part of our next feedback episode. Call the Two Chairs No Waiting Hot-line at (888) 684-8415 and leave a voice mail to be part of the show.

If you use iTunes, please visit the Two Chairs No Waiting page of the iTunes store and leave a review and rating.

Executive producer of Two Chairs No Waiting for Episode #756: Brian Rose
Patreon Patron of the Week #756: Rebecca Spears

Be a Patreon patron and support the show – https://www.patreon.com/twochairs

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TCNW 755: Mayberry Days 2023 Visitor Reports

Two Chairs No Waiting
Two Chairs No Waiting

Host: Allan Newsome
Running time: 0:42:12

Reports about Mayberry Days 2023 from fellow fans and attendees of the event. We have a video report, six voicemail reports and several written reports. I know you’re going to enjoy hearing from these kind folks that took the time to send in their thoughts on Mayberry Days.

This episode releases on the 63rd Anniversary of the premier of The Andy Griffith Show!

Thank you to the folks that attended the Mayberry Meet-up 2023 for your support of the podcast!

TCNW 755: Mayberry Days 2023 Visitor Reports

Sign up for the Two Chairs E-mail Mailing List

Don’t forget to sign up for the Two Chairs No Waiting e-mail mailing list.  I want to be able to reach out to you if there’s a problem with the website and the best way to do that is by using a mailing list.  Don’t worry, I won’t be filling your mailbox with e-mail but I would like to have a way to say “hey” if the need arises.

Contact Info

Follow Two Chairs No Waiting on Facebook and/or follow me on Twitter. I  post Mayberry things there as another way to let folks know about The Andy Griffith Show.

Please leave comments or ask questions on the TwoChairsNoWaiting.com website or using the contact information given in the podcast. I would love to have you be a part of our next feedback episode. Call the Two Chairs No Waiting Hot-line at (888) 684-8415 and leave a voice mail to be part of the show.

If you use iTunes, please visit the Two Chairs No Waiting page of the iTunes store and leave a review and rating.

Executive producer of Two Chairs No Waiting for Episode #755: Terry Neiman
Patreon Patron of the Week #755: Bob & Pat Mundy

Be a Patreon patron and support the show – https://www.patreon.com/twochairs

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