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Barney Fife

Running Time: 8:30

In this season five, “The Andy Griffith Show” episode entitled, ‘If I Had A Quarter-Million,’ which originally aired February 15, 1965, Barney tries to catch a bank robber with the help of the FBI.

Running Time: 7:48

In this season five, “The Andy Griffith Show” episode entitled, ‘Barney Runs for Sheriff,’ which originally aired February 8, 1965, Barney runs against, with, and for Andy for Sheriff of Mayberry!

Running Time: 8:05

In this season five, “The Andy Griffith Show” episode entitled, ‘Goober and the Art of Love,’ which originally aired February 1, 1965, a Goober gets assistance with his lack of love life!

Running Time: 10:24

In this season five, “The Andy Griffith Show” episode entitled, ‘The Lucky Letter,’ which originally aired January 25, 1965, a ‘chain’ of events occur because of a letter!

Running Time = 8:31

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Burke on Mayberry

In this season five, “The Andy Griffith Show” episode entitled, ‘Three Wishes for Opie,’ which originally aired December 21, 1964, Barney summons Count Ist Van Telecky!

Barney’s Bloodhound Running time:  12:00

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In this season five “The Andy Griffith Show”  episode entitled, ‘Barney’s Bloodhound’ which originally aired on October 26, 1964, Barney believes “Blue” is the ‘key’ to helping capture the escaped convict.

Be sure to visit www.BurkeOnMayberry.com

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Two Chairs No Waiting

Two Chairs No Waiting

Host: Allan Newsome
Running time: 0:17:27

To continue the series we started last episode, I thought it would be good to focus on Deputy Barney Fife and learn a bit more about him.  I know we all think we know him but do we really know “Who is Barney Fife?”  Did you know when he was 17 he could reach into a milk bottle and pull out an egg?  What about his romance scandals? How many women does he date at the same time?   What games did he enjoy as a boy?

So much to know about him and while I’m betting you’ve heard the stories…..you may not remember them all.  So, let’s learn exactly “Who is Barney Fife?”

Two Chairs No Waiting 330: Who is Barney Fife?

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Follow me on Twitter if you use twitter. I’ve been posting Mayberry things there as another way to let folks know about The Andy Griffith Show.

Don’t forget to leave comments or ask questions on the TwoChairsNoWaiting.com website or using the contact information given in the podcast. We’d love to have you be a part of our next feedback episode. Call the Two Chairs No Waiting Hot-line at (888) 684-8415 and leave a voice mail to be part of the show.

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Executive Producer of Two Chairs No Waiting Episode #330: Bert Miller

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