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Elizabeth MacRae

Two Chairs No Waiting
Two Chairs No Waiting

Host: Allan Newsome
Running time: 0:33:27

We received some sad news today here at Two Chairs No Waiting headquarters. The wonderful Elizabeth MacRae passed away on Monday May 27, 2024. She was 88 years old when she passed but she will always be remembered by Mayberry fans as a compassionate lady who enjoyed life and shared her joy with others.

To celebrate her life, we’ll listen to or watch (depending on how you partake of the episode) her performance at the 2006 Mayberry Days Col. Tim’s Talent Time show. Hosted by David “Mayberry Deputy” Browning with Allan “Floyd” Newsome on hand as backup Elizabeth took the stage as Lou Ann Poovie to sing “That Old Black Magic” for the assembled crowd of fans. It was an amazing performance that you have to hear to believe. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as she enjoyed making the crowd smile.

We have some trivia to correct from last weeks episode where I provided a bit of incorrect trivia. Then we’ll play a little trivia to make up for the mistake.

TCNW 788: Lou Ann Poovie is Ms. Elizabeth MacRae

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Executive producer of Two Chairs No Waiting for Episode #788: Rick Marks

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