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Host: Allan Newsome
Running time: 0:20:55
There are several times throughout the run of The Andy Griffith Show were we see continuity errors. From Barney’s badge being on his shirt in one scene and missing in the next to people missing from a bench on the street only to appear when the shot cuts to a different angle.
On this episode a caller points out the disappearing jail cell keys while another person writes in to note the Taylor’s home moving right next door to Miss Crump’s house.
Was there a continuity person? How might they have missed these errors? Let’s find out.
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Related Links:
- Andy’s Vacation (mayberry.info)
- A Warning from Warren (mayberry.info)
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- Who’s Been Messin’ Up the Bulletin Board?(WBMUTBB) Chapter – http://www.wbmutbb.com
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Executive Producer of Two Chairs No Waiting Episode #236: Jan Newsome
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Thank goodness for recorded versions of this podcast. The past few weeks it has been nearly impossible for me to get to see the live podcast due to having to help in dealing with a death in the family. This was another ecellent podcast! I really enjoy studying the production of the show. Seeing the end of the street reminded me of another view from that end of the street around the episode of the haunted house or the Creenshaw House where opie and his friend lost the baseball when it went inside the house through the glass in the door. This was down at that end of the street. The Creenshaw House was also used in Gone With The Wind as Aunt Pittypats House, if my memory is correct. Anyway, there are a couple of view around the front of the house showing structures across the street that probably are not seen at any other time. Thanks, enjoyed this eipisode very much.