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Host: Allan Newsome
Running time: 0:20:00
Friends, the world lost our number one deputy on February 24, 2006. To celebrate the life of Don Knotts and the amazing character he brought to life the Two Chairs No Waiting podcast has dedicated an episode of the podcast to him each year. This year is no exception.
TAGSRWC member Bart Boatwright owns a master copy of the The Andy Griffith, Don Knotts, Jim Nabors Special from 1965. As part of that special, Andy and Don appeared as Andy Taylor and Barney Fife in a version of the Mayberry courthouse. They even performed the judo attack with a ruler skit with Andy attacking Don.
I hope you’ll enjoy hearing the scene and picturing in your head the action. In this one case, you may also want to watch the video version of Two Chairs to see what’s happening. Or just drop by Bart’s YouTube video and see the original.
Thank you Mr. Knotts, for all you did to bring joy into our lives! “Mayberry says, ‘Thanks and happy motorin.'”
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Contact Info
Follow me on Twitter if you use twitter. I’ve been posting Mayberry things there as another way to let folks know about The Andy Griffith Show.
Don’t forget to leave comments or ask questions on the TwoChairsNoWaiting.com website or using the contact information given in the podcast. We’d love to have you be a part of our next feedback episode. Call the Two Chairs No Waiting Hot-line at (888) 684-8415 and leave a voice mail to be part of the show.
If you use iTunes, please visit the Two Chairs No Waiting page of the iTunes store and leave a review and rating.
Related Links:
- Andy Griffith & Don Knotts 1965 – http://youtu.be/qsuWZHqxd-4
- Weaver’d Department Store Newsletter – http://weaversdepartmentstore.com/newsletter/
- Goober Says Hey Podcast – http://www.johnlanepodcasts.org/
- Sign up for the Two Chairs No Waiting Podcast mailing list
- iMayberry Community – http://imayberrycommunity.com/
- The Mayberry Historical Society – http://www.mayberry.info/
- The Mayberry Channel on YouTube.com – http://www.youtube.com/user/mayberrycom
Executive Producer of Two Chairs No Waiting Episode #226: Kenneth Junkin
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