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TCNW 817: Mayberry Christmas to all 2024

Two Chairs No Waiting
Two Chairs No Waiting

Host: Allan Newsome
Running time: 0:54:13

It’s Christmas time once again here in Mayberry so it is time for the annual Christmas episode. The Andy Griffith Show had only one episode centered around any holiday and that holiday was Christmas. Fans have watched that episode time and again as Ben Weaver tries to get himself arrested so he can spend Christmas in jail with the Taylor’s, the Muggins’, and Miss Ellie. It always speaks to our hearts when we see Ben singing outside that courthouse cell window.

Since the podcast began, Two Chairs has tried to bring back that warm feeling as we go through Mayberry related memories of Christmas time. We also try to make a new memory or two in the process. We have a special guest back again this year from over in Dodge City. His name is Festus Haggen and he has a really good story to tell about Santa. There’s a story called “The Fife Before Christmas” by my friend Rik Roberts who played “Barney” to my “Floyd” in the Mayberry Man movie and Mayberry Man series.

We have a favorite of mine by Charlie Monk called “Andy and Opie Christmas” that brings back memories of a small town Christmas that sure reminds me of Mayberry.

We hear from Elinor Donahue about recording “Away in a Manger” with Andy then we hear her sing just that. For a bit more Christmas music, I’ll play my 2022 Mayberry Christmas card featuring images from Mayberry Man the Series. And, if you stick around till the end, we’ll have Miss Ellie and Andy sing an encore of “Away in a Manger.”

God bless you and I hope you have a very merry Christmas.

TCNW 817: Mayberry Christmas to all 2024

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Executive producer of Two Chairs No Waiting for Episode #817: Chris Smyrl

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