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TCNW 538: Mayberry Cool Facts

Two Chairs No Waiting
Two Chairs No Waiting

Host: Allan Newsome
Running time: 0:26:50

I’ve been researching and I believe I’ve run across a few things that fans of The Andy Griffith Show may not be aware of. I realize that you may have heard some of these things but hopefully you’re enough like me that you have forgotten what you once knew or just don’t mind being reminded of fun facts.

Whatever the case may be, let’s enjoy a few minutes in Mayberry talking about old friends. I think we can both enjoy that.

Bonus: This week’s installment of This Week in Mayberry History by Randy Turner featuring Don Haggerty.

TCNW 538: Mayberry Cool Facts

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Follow Two Chairs No Waiting on Facebook and/or follow me on Twitter. I  post Mayberry things there as another way to let folks know about The Andy Griffith Show.

Please leave comments or ask questions on the TwoChairsNoWaiting.com website or using the contact information given in the podcast. I wo love to have you be a part of our next feedback episode. Call the Two Chairs No Waiting Hot-line at (888) 684-8415 and leave a voice mail to be part of the show.

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Executive Producer of Two Chairs No Waiting Episode #538:
Ranny Vinson

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TCNW 476: Mayberry – Just the FAQs

Two Chairs No Waiting

Two Chairs No Waiting

Host: Allan Newsome
Running time: 0:32:24

We all know about the Andy Griffith Show but how much do we know about the town of Mayberry? When this episode completes, you’ll know more about the city and county of Mayberry than those who live there.

Some of what you’ll learn:
Mayberry is located in the northwestern part of the state and is the county seat of Mayberry County. It was founded by John Mayberry in the year 1864 (estimated). The town was destroyed by fire in 1870 by “Rotten” Ray Ancrum (who later established the Ancrum Charcoal Company).

Bonus: This week’s installment of This Week in Mayberry History by Randy Turner featuring “Alan Oppenheimer.”

TCNW 476: Mayberry - Just the FAQs

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Follow the podcast on Facebook and/or follow me on Twitter. I’ve been posting Mayberry things there as another way to let folks know about The Andy Griffith Show.

Don’t forget to leave comments or ask questions on the TwoChairsNoWaiting.com website or using the contact information given in the podcast. We’d love to have you be a part of our next feedback episode. Call the Two Chairs No Waiting Hot-line at (888) 684-8415 and leave a voice mail to be part of the show.

If you use iTunes, please visit the Two Chairs No Waiting page of the iTunes store and leave a review and rating.

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Executive Producer of Two Chairs No Waiting Episode #476: Jim Clark

Be a Patreon patron and support the show – http://www.patreon.com/twochairs


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TCNW 414: Floyd and Calvin Coolidge

Two Chairs No Waiting

Two Chairs No Waiting

Host: Allan Newsome
Running time: 0:26:26

As I’m recording this is Presidents Day in the United States so I wanted to use that topic as a theme for this episode. The first President that comes to mind with I think “The Andy Griffith Show” is Floyd the barber’s favorite, Calvin Coolidge.   Since the two go together, let’s hear from FAQs about Floyd and follow up with some quote from President Coolidge.  I think you’ll enjoy both!

Bonus:  This week in Mayberry History provides us with some great facts about how Mayberry got started on The Danny Thomas Show and more.


TCNW 414: Floyd and Calvin Coolidge

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Don’t forget to sign up for the Two Chairs No Waiting e-mail mailing list.  I want to be able to reach out to you if there’s a problem with the website and the best way to do that is by using a mailing list.  Don’t worry, I won’t be filling your mailbox with e-mail but I would like to have a way to say “hey” if the need arises.

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Follow me on Twitter if you use twitter. I’ve been posting Mayberry things there as another way to let folks know about The Andy Griffith Show.

Don’t forget to leave comments or ask questions on the TwoChairsNoWaiting.com website or using the contact information given in the podcast. We’d love to have you be a part of our next feedback episode. Call the Two Chairs No Waiting Hot-line at (888) 684-8415 and leave a voice mail to be part of the show.

If you use iTunes, please visit the Two Chairs No Waiting page of the iTunes store and leave a review and rating.

Related Links:

Executive Producer of Two Chairs No Waiting Episode #414: Rebecca Spears

Be a Patreon patron and support the show – http://www.patreon.com/twochairs


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Two Chairs No Waiting

Two Chairs No Waiting

Host: Allan Newsome
Running time: 0:21:59

We continue our series of Mayberry FAQs trying to answer some of the most commonly asked questions related to The Andy Griffith Show and the cast & crew.

This time we go through information about the Mayberry Courthouse & the Law, the Darling family, Ellie, and Ernest T Bass.

All this information is from The Mayberry Historical Society found over at Mayberry.info.  Drop by there for a visit!

TCNW 405: Courthouse, Darling's, Ellie, & Ernest T - Just the FAQs

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Don’t forget to sign up for the Two Chairs No Waiting e-mail mailing list.  I want to be able to reach out to you if there’s a problem with the website and the best way to do that is by using a mailing list.  Don’t worry, I won’t be filling your mailbox with e-mail but I would like to have a way to say “hey” if the need arises.

Contact Info

Follow me on Twitter if you use twitter. I’ve been posting Mayberry things there as another way to let folks know about The Andy Griffith Show.

Don’t forget to leave comments or ask questions on the TwoChairsNoWaiting.com website or using the contact information given in the podcast. We’d love to have you be a part of our next feedback episode. Call the Two Chairs No Waiting Hot-line at (888) 684-8415 and leave a voice mail to be part of the show.

If you use iTunes, please visit the Two Chairs No Waiting page of the iTunes store and leave a review and rating.

Related Links:

Executive Producer of Two Chairs No Waiting Episode #405: Sheryl McBride

Be a Patreon Patron and support the show – http://www.patreon.com/twochairs


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TCNW 401: Locations – Just the FAQs

Two Chairs No Waiting

Two Chairs No Waiting

Host: Allan Newsome
Running time: 0:29:31

This episode we’ll continue covering the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) received by me about The Andy Griffith Show in past episodes.  Locations related to Mayberry will be the topic of this episode and I think you’ll learn a few new things.

We’ll also hear some voicemail feedback from listeners Paul and Jennifer.

TCNW 401: Locations - Just the FAQs

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Don’t forget to sign up for the Two Chairs No Waiting e-mail mailing list.  I want to be able to reach out to you if there’s a problem with the website and the best way to do that is by using a mailing list.  Don’t worry, I won’t be filling your mailbox with e-mail but I would like to have a way to say “hey” if the need arises.

Contact Info

Follow me on Twitter if you use twitter. I’ve been posting Mayberry things there as another way to let folks know about The Andy Griffith Show.

Don’t forget to leave comments or ask questions on the TwoChairsNoWaiting.com website or using the contact information given in the podcast. We’d love to have you be a part of our next feedback episode. Call the Two Chairs No Waiting Hot-line at (888) 684-8415 and leave a voice mail to be part of the show.

If you use iTunes, please visit the Two Chairs No Waiting page of the iTunes store and leave a review and rating.

Related Links:

Executive Producer of Two Chairs No Waiting Episode #401: Sarah Blain

Be a Patreon Patron and support the show – http://www.patreon.com/twochairs


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TCNW 398: Characters – Just the FAQs

Two Chairs No Waiting

Two Chairs No Waiting

Host: Allan Newsome
Running time: 0:31:09

I’ve been covering some of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) often received about The Andy Griffith Show in past episodes.  Those were focused on “main” characters (Andy, Barney, & Aunt Bee) so I thought I’d focus on the supporting role characters to give them some credit for making the town of Mayberry come alive.

Here’s the FAQs we’re going to cover:

1 Count Istvan Teleky
2 Who played the old thin white haired gentleman who sung for Barney he was behind the curtain while Barney thought he was singing.
3 Was there ever more than one person that played Asa?
4 I saw the movie “TITANIC” and thought I saw Malcolm Merriweather. Which character did he play?
5 Why do the outfits worn by the two “G-men” on the episode “A Black Day for Mayberry” change?
6 In the episode about Frank Myers and his $100 savings bond the credits show a production assistant also named Frank Myers. Is that where the name came from?
7 Wasn’t there more than one Wally?
8 There’s a man that’s on a bunch of episodes in crowds wearing a white hat but they never tell his name. Who is he?
9 There were several references to Mrs. Clara Edwards (she was the pickle champion, so we know she was married) but not many to Miss Flora Edwards…Anybody know the story, or is there one?
10 In the episode where the English tourist, Malcom, stays with Andy to pay off his fine, whose car does he use to drive Andy to the courthouse?
11 What was Mayor Pike’s first name?
12 How many different actors played the part of Ben Weaver?
13 One of the girls who gathered in Andy’s house to meet Thelma and raised the question “What did we turn out for?” sounds like Judy Jetson. Was it the lady who did Judy’s voice on “The Jetson’s” cartoon?
14 The guy who sold Andy the “canning jars” for Aunt Bee also playeed Mr. Simms and the guy who Andy sentenced to either “$10 or 10 days in jail…You got chickens to throw, you got chickens to sell.” Who was the actor?
15 Does anyone know who the actor that played Mr. Schwamp (Mr. Schwump)? How’s his name spelled?
16 What is Big Maude saying when she sends Floyd to town? It sounded like AKKA BAKKA.
17 What actor holds the record for appearing on TAGS in the most different roles?
18 The absence of black people in any town in the South is an impossibility. Did the writers deliberatly script only white people for the show?
19 Was the “Gold Truck” episode the one and only appearance of Doodles Weaver..(AKA-Regis)? Was he not the father of Sigourney Weaver?


TCNW 398: Characters - Just the FAQs

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Follow me on Twitter if you use twitter. I’ve been posting Mayberry things there as another way to let folks know about The Andy Griffith Show.

Don’t forget to leave comments or ask questions on the TwoChairsNoWaiting.com website or using the contact information given in the podcast. We’d love to have you be a part of our next feedback episode. Call the Two Chairs No Waiting Hot-line at (888) 684-8415 and leave a voice mail to be part of the show.

If you use iTunes, please visit the Two Chairs No Waiting page of the iTunes store and leave a review and rating.

Related Links:

Executive Producer of Two Chairs No Waiting Episode #398: Keith Brown

Be a Patreon Patron and support the show – http://www.patreon.com/twochairs


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TCNW 391: Aunt Bee – Just the FAQs

Two Chairs No Waiting

Two Chairs No Waiting

Host: Allan Newsome
Running time: 0:21:19

It’s been quite a while since I’ve gone over any of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).  Way back on episode #179 we talked about Barney’s FAQs and then in #183 we went over Andy’s FAQs.  I figure after four years, it’s time to get some FAQs about Aunt Bee.

We’ll cover 9 FAQs about Aunt Bee:

 1 How do you spell Aunt Bee’s name?
2 Aunt Bee speaks these lines in an episode: “Mum’s my name. Silence is my game. Tick a lock!” In which episode does she speaks them?
3 Aunt Bee one time said Opie was coming down with the “pip.” What’s the “Pip?
4 Aunt Bee was Andy’s father’s sister, because they have the same last name. Since Barney’s last name is different, but he still calls Bee “Aunt”, his mother was probably their sister, as well?
5 How many other characters (besides Opie, of course!) call Bee “Aunt”? Don’t Goober and Gomer call her Aunt?
6 Has anyone noticed that the stove in Aunt Bee’s kitchen never has all the burners turned off when she is not cooking. In “Romeo & Juliet”, she was not cooking anything, but the knobs on the stove were turned on.
7 Was Aunt Bee’s bedroom ever shown in an episode?
8 What was it that Andy and Barney thought Aunt Bee’s marmalade smelled like?
9 I’ve noticed Aunt Bee sings Chinatown in several episodes. How many was it?

TCNW 391: Aunt Bee - Just the FAQs

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Don’t forget to sign up for the Two Chairs No Waiting e-mail mailing list.  I want to be able to reach out to you if there’s a problem with the website and the best way to do that is by using a mailing list.  Don’t worry, I won’t be filling your mailbox with e-mail but I would like to have a way to say “hey” if the need arises.

Contact Info

Follow me on Twitter if you use twitter. I’ve been posting Mayberry things there as another way to let folks know about The Andy Griffith Show.

Don’t forget to leave comments or ask questions on the TwoChairsNoWaiting.com website or using the contact information given in the podcast. We’d love to have you be a part of our next feedback episode. Call the Two Chairs No Waiting Hot-line at (888) 684-8415 and leave a voice mail to be part of the show.

If you use iTunes, please visit the Two Chairs No Waiting page of the iTunes store and leave a review and rating.

Related Links:

Executive Producer of Two Chairs No Waiting Episode #391: Jan Newsome

Be a Patreon Patron and support the show – http://www.patreon.com/twochairs


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