by Floyd
on July 13, 2010
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Host: Allan Newsome
Running time: 0:13:06

Two Chairs No Waiting
To celebrate episode 92 we thought it would be nice to have Floyd host the show. To paraphrase Floyd, “Ninety-two, people always talking about podcast but nobody does anything about it.”
Floyd shares a flashback with us of a time when Bert Miller dropped by the barber shop with a business idea for Floyd. Enjoy this flashback and we hope you’ll let it take you to the land of rhythm and pleasure or at least to a scene in Mayberry that we never witnessed but now we get to hear.
Thanks to Joe Gritton (a.k.a. “The Untrained Voice”) for writing our “flashback!” This episode would NOT have happened without him. Joe also wrote the flashback in episode #17 so check that out too.
Don’t forget to leave comments or ask questions on the website or using the contact information given in the podcast. We’d love to have you be a part of our next feedback episode. Call the Two Chairs No Waiting Hot-line at (888) 684-8415 and leave a voice mail to be part of the show.
If you use iTunes, please visit the Two Chairs No Waiting page of the iTunes store and leave a review and rating.
Related Links:
- Mayberry Fan Fiction – See some of the Joe Gritton’s (a.k.a. “The Untrained Voice”) work. A BIG thank you to Joe for writing our “flashback.”
Executive Producer of Two Chairs No Waiting Episode #92: Floyd Lawson
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Tagged as:
bert miller,
Floyd Lawson
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Host: Allan Newsome
Running time: 0:18:47

Two Chairs No Waiting
Who is Sid Elson, what is he proprietor of, and how does this connect to The Andy Griffith Show. Those are really good questions and in this episode we’re going deep into some trivial trivialities to get answers that I believe you’ll enjoy.
For a minute I thought I’d discovered something but Paul Mulik beat me to it…by more than 5 years. There are screen captures of the things we’ll talk about over on our Facebook fan page.
We’ll also talk just a bit about the Burke on Mayberry podcast. Enjoy your stay here in our little corner of Mayberry.
If you use iTunes, please visit the Two Chairs No Waiting page of the iTunes store and leave a review and rating.
Don’t forget to leave comments or ask questions on the website or using the contact information given in the podcast. We’d love to have you be a part of our next feedback episode. Call the Two Chairs No Waiting Hot-line at (888) 684-8415 and leave a voice mail to be part of the show.
Related Links:
- Two Chairs No Waiting Facebook Fan Page – Check out the images of the items mentioned on this and other episodes of Two Chairs No Waiting.
- The Mayberry Historical Society – The Mayberry Historical Society invites the Mayberry community on the web to to create a history of town and county of Mayberry.
- The eBullet 15 Feb 2010 – Miss Crump’s Mayberry QuizzesQuestion #4. Name a Mayberry business that moved into the location formerly occupied by Sid Elson.
- The eBullet 15 April 2010 – Miss Crump’s Mayberry Quizzes #4. On at least one occasion, right after Jim Lindsey is arrested for playing guitar in front of Monroe’s Funeral Parlor, we can glimpse writing on the left window of the Barber Shop next door (soon to be known to us as Floyd’s Barber Shop, with Floyd as proprietor) that says “Sid Elson, Prop.” Even later, of course, that space is Emmett’s Fix-It Shop, with Emmett Clark as proprietor, so both Floyd’s Barber Shop and Emmett’s Fix-It Shop are acceptable answers.
- Burke on Mayberry Podcast – A ten minute podcast on each episode where a fellow Mayberry fan gives us a synopsis of the episode and smiles along the way.
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Executive Producer of Two Chairs No Waiting Episode #84: Bob James
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Tagged as:
Floyd Lawson,
odd facts,
by Floyd
on February 9, 2010
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Host: Allan Newsome
Special Guest: Parley Baer
Running time: 0:19:23

Two Chairs No Waiting
An important person very much connected to The Andy Griffith Show (TAGS) passed away on January 30, 2010 and I couldn’t let another week pass by without mentioning his passing. So, rather than this episode simply being part three of our remembering Howard McNear we are going to also remember Aaron Ruben.
Aaron Ruben was producer, story consultant, writer, and director and one of TAGS strongest pillars for the first five seasons. Jim Clark, Presiding Goober of The Andy Griffith Show Rerun Watchers Club (TAGSRWC), said this about Aaron. “Other than Andy Griffith himself, no one was more crucial behind the scenes in guiding and shaping ‘The Andy Griffith Show’ during its first five seasons.”
Mr. Ruben will be missed and fondly remembered.
Parley Baer joins us once again to share his memories of Howard McNear and his experience performing the eulogy at Howard’s funeral. Smiles and laughter were shared that day remembering Howard and you can hear the love in Parley’s voice as he tells the story.
Tell those Mayberry folks in your life about these episodes of Two Chairs No Waiting.
Don’t forget to leave comments or ask questions on the website or using the contact information given in the podcast. We’d love to have you be part of our next feedback episode. Our voice mail number is (256) 513-9526 and you can leave a voice mail. (If you’d like to call toll-free, I only give that number as part of the podcast so you’ll have to listen to hear that number. )
Related Links:
- Aaron Ruben Memorial – Located at Drop by for the complete story from the October 3, 1995 issue of TAGSRWC’s newsletter, The Bullet.
- Visit Two Chairs LIVE – Two Chairs No Waiting headquarters is broadcasting video LIVE (at times). Drop by this site and you can see the live feed when it is active or watch recorded episodes of the podcast “behind the scenes” production. It’s not much yet but I’m trying to make it better.
Two Chairs No Waiting is brought to you by
Executive Producer of Two Chairs No Waiting Episode #70: Bob James
Visit the Two Chairs No Waiting store and share your love for the show.
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Tagged as:
aaron ruben,
Floyd Lawson,
howard mcnear,
old time radio,
parley baer,
by Floyd
on February 2, 2010
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Host: Allan Newsome
Special Guest: Parley Baer
Running time: 0:14:33

Two Chairs No Waiting
I hope you were able to listened to episode #68 of the podcast as this will continue along that same line. You don’t have to have heard it but I think you might like hearing it before you listen to this episode.
In this show we’ll again be hearing from Mayor Stoner himself, Parley Baer, as he tells us about his friend Howard McNear. Folks, after you hear the first story I’m pretty sure you’ll be seeing “Floyd” in your minds eye doing what Parley describes as he speaks of Howard. I was laughing and smiling when I heard it the first time and that joy is still present each time I listen.
Tell those Mayberry folks in your life about these episodes of Two Chairs No Waiting. I really believe these Howard McNear episodes are some that any “Floyd” fan will love.
Don’t forget to leave comments or ask questions on the website or using the contact information given in the podcast. We’d love to have you be part of our next feedback episode. Our voice mail number is (256) 513-9526 and you can leave a voice mail. (If you’d like to call toll-free, I only give that number as part of the podcast so you’ll have to listen to hear that number. )
Related Links:
- Visit Two Chairs LIVE – Two Chairs No Waiting headquarters is broadcasting video LIVE (at times). Drop by this site and you can see the live feed when it is active or watch recorded episodes of the podcast “behind the scenes” production. It’s not much yet but I’m trying to make it better.
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Tagged as:
Floyd Lawson,
howard mcnear,
old time radio,
parley baer
by Floyd
on January 26, 2010
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Host: Allan Newsome
Special Guest: Parley Baer & William Conrad
Running time: 0:16:12

Two Chairs No Waiting
Friends, I have found some things that I have never heard and I’m so excited to be able to share what I’ve found with you!
In this episode we hear from William Conrad and Parley “Mayor Stoner” Baer give us their memories of Mayberry’s favorite barber, Howard McNear.
Be sure to come back next week for more memories from Parley about “Floyd” and tell the Mayberry fans you know to drop by and give the podcast a listen. I think they, and you, will enjoy it.
Don’t forget to leave comments or ask questions on the website or using the contact information given in the podcast. We’d love to have you be a part of our next feedback episode.
Related Links:
- Visit Two Chairs LIVE – Two Chairs No Waiting headquarters is broadcasting video LIVE (at times). Drop by this site and you can see the live feed when it is active or watch recorded episodes of the podcast “behind the scenes” production. It’s not much yet but I’m trying to make it better.
Two Chairs No Waiting is brought to you by
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Tagged as:
Floyd Lawson,
howard mcnear,
old time radio,
parley baer
by Floyd
on January 5, 2010
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Host: Allan Newsome
Running time: 0:16:04

Two Chairs No Waiting
This episode we have some news reports about The Andy Griffith Show from back in the early and mid-1960’s. One from TV Guide and another from the New York Times.
Floyd the barber visits with us and we have a little feedback from you, the listeners.
Don’t forget to leave comments or ask questions on the website or using the contact information given in the podcast. We’d love to have you be a part of our next feedback episode.
Related Links:
- Follow Allan on Twitter – If you have Twitter, follow along with me so we can get to know one another a little better.
- Visit our new Chat Room – Located on the front page of the podcast web site. Just scroll down a little and you’ll see it there on the right. Another way for the Mayberry community to visit and get to know each other.
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Tagged as:
Floyd Lawson,
by Floyd
on December 8, 2009
Podcast: Play in new window | Download
Host: Allan Newsome
Running time: 0:11:58

Two Chairs No Waiting
I have been looking around the Internet for podcasts to listen to and I found The Great Gildersleeve Replay. Said to be both the first spin-off program, and one of the first situation comedies, The Great Gildersleeve was a spin-off from Fibber McGee and Molly. The radio show ran for 16 years (1941-1957) on NBC Radio.
What does any of this have to do with The Andy Griffith Show? Well, I was listening recently and noticed two names that were used on The Great Gildersleeve that will draw the attention of Mayberry fans. The Great Glidersleeve is set in the town of Summerfield and Throckmorton P. Gildersleeve is the main character. I had noticed that one of the supporting characters is Floyd Munson and that he is the barber in Summerfield. They even call him “Floyd the barber” but while I notice the name and smiled it wasn’t until I heard the episode titled “Sleigh Ride” (Feb 6, 1944) that I really took notice. It turns out Floyd’s brother is mentioned and his name is Otis.
I started digging to try and see if this show might have been where Andy and the writers of The Andy Griffith Show (TAGS) came up with the names Floyd the barber and Otis. I spoke with Jim Clark and Ken Beck recently and neither had heard about Gildersleeve being a source for the names. I checked the writers to see if there were any in common between the Gildersleeve and TAGS but could find none.
I did find that the person who played Floyd on Gildersleeve was Arthur Q. Bryan. Mr. Bryan, it turns out, was the voice of Elmer Fudd on the Warner Brothers cartoons. When Mr. Bryan passed away onNovember 18, 1959, Hal Smith (Mayberry’s Otis)assumed the voice of Elmer Fudd in later Looney Tunes productions.
I can’t say for sure what the tie in between the towns of Summerfield and Mayberry might be but there seems to be enought there to make it worth continuing to dig.
Don’t forget to leave comments or ask questions on the website or using the contact information given in the podcast. We’d love to have you be a part of our next feedback episode.
Related Links:
- The Great Gildersleeve – Wikipedia story with background on The Great Gildersleeve.
- Arthur Q. Bryan – Voiced “Floyd the Barber” on The Great Gildersleeve. Wikipedia has a very nice write-up.
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Tagged as:
Floyd Lawson,
odd facts,
old time radio,